Inmoweb MLS® listing

You can publish properties from other Inmoweb MLS® agencies on your Inmoweb® real estate website. It takes 5 minutes to set up.

Inmoweb MLS® Sharing

Increase your sales possibilities by sharing your selected properties with our network in Inmoweb MLS®.

Inmoweb MLS® properties finder

Access a large real estate database with other agencies nationwide. Check precise data, photos, etc...

Inmoweb MLS® Listing-demand match

You can match your demands with the properties of other agencies, increasing the possibility of finding a property for your client.

Internal chat

You will be able to contact directly and internally all agencies that you collaborate with without the need of sending emails through our communication system.

Private MLS?, of course.

Create your own private MLS

Create collaborative circles between specific agencies.

Invite your partner agencies

You can easily send access to your private MLS and make them a member of your trusted collaborators.

Create use conditions

Create sharing commissions, code behavior, and rules.

Contact your collaborators

Use an internal chat to talk to your circle of collaborators in your private MLS.

Subscribe and share properties

Add to your website and share your new properties to your private MLS circle.


Do you have a real estate agency and you don't know how to manage it effectively? Surely sometimes you feel frustrated when you need to have better control over the processes of your real estate agency. Would you like to do it more simply and spend more time with your clients?

We have more than 16 years managing and developing specific applications for real estate agencies . Our purpose since Inmoweb was born, It was to solve the problems of agencies that want to have the best tools to market their real estate on the Internet.

After all, we have managed more than 1 million properties in Spain with more than 10,000 real estate agents . Impressive numbers that have resulted in thousands of satisfied customers who have been able to boost their businesses to help thousands of people.

Inmoweb provides you with all the real estate tools so that you and your team are more productive. In addition to offering you many automatic tools, Inmoweb is very easy to use, and you will be able to manage your properties , your clients , the your real estate agency website , the publication in portals in a really effective way. Also remember that with Inmoweb you can publish in idealista in real time , since we are an idealista Gold Partner. Ask your current software how long it will take to publish your properties. Being the first to post can mean selling or not selling. Inmoweb agencies enjoy a competitive advantage over agencies that use other solutions.

If you have problems obtaining properties, we offer you direct access to more than 250,000 properties from our Inmoweb MLS real estate portfolio.

If you have lost an operation due to lack of follow-up, or your team does not clear up with that complicated software that is driving you crazy, it is time to switch to Inmoweb .

Our Attention Support team is super efficient. In your current software, do they have you waiting on the phone? With Inmoweb this does not happen since we have a large team of experts who they will solve your doubts in the same call.

Try us . Inmoweb only costs from €29.25/month without obligation , with everything included. Software, Web, Hosting, portals, emails ... etc.

We offer an easy-to-use comprehensive solution that allows you to enjoy your real estate website, CRM, business email, etc ... Our plans also include maintenance of your email as long as you keep the Software contract.

Of course. Once the contract is signed we will give the necessary training to help you familiarize with the program and teach you to make the most of. It is not a webinar, it is personalized online training.

Yes, contact us at 91 217 46 68 before starting with us. It is also possible to synchronize your properties with external sources periodically.

Yes of course. We have 3 different support channels. One by telephone, another through the support consultation system, and last but not least, a very complete knowledge base with hundreds of articles that explain step by step how to do almost everything. Our support is Top quality.

The use of our connection is completely free for clients. However, you should know that some premium portals will charge you for tranfer your properties on them. Check the website and the salesperson of the portal that interests you for more information. Remember that there are many portals that are 100% free.

Yes, as long as you can redirect it to our servers or DNS.

Our contracts have no permanence. Our clients unsubscribe without having to call us. The whole process is done through your client area. We also store your data for 30 days in case you change your mind.

Are you coming from another Software?

If you are already using another Real Estate Software, we can transfer all your data without any work from you. We do it all for you!

Call us now

Our team is available to help you
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